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Up to date terragear container image

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Up to date terragear container image

Postby merspieler » Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:07 pm

Since I couldn't fine a working and up-to-date terragear container, I've built one my self as it dropped on the side of building another container.
You can get and use it like this:
Code: Select all
podman run -it --rm -v <some/dir>:/work

The run_* scripts of the terragear tools are under /terragear

* Will not be updated or maintained, provided as is
* Only available to pull via IPv6*
* No support

* Why only IPv6:
The problem is, that we run out of IPv4 addresses (This issue was first described in June 1992, see Wikipedia) so many internet providers, including mine, no longer provide a public IPv4 address.
IPv6 would solve that!
Despite its age (Introduced in December 1995) IPv6 has not come to a global usage yet.

In recent years it started to seem like internet service providers hold IPv6 back on purpose to make a profit of this limited resource
by forcing people and organisations to "buy" (actually you don't buy them, just lease) IPv4 addresses.
I've decided to no longer play along with this and cut IPv4 access to most of my services.

For more information on IPv6 see Wikipedia.

> We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. (The Mentor, Jan 1986 [link])
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