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Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Fri Nov 22, 2019 5:50 pm

OK, I want to fake the startup sequence of the APP using a combination of nasal and/or autopilot and/or prop rules. I need to produce RPM as it winds up to 100%

I have a vague idea how I might approach it but I am wondering if there is already a convenient method available . Any suggestions as to the best approach (keeping in mind YASim as limiting factor)? I see no way to do it through the YASim api so I think I am stuck with nasal. What I don't know is what all may be available with prop rules or autopilot.
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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:55 am

I'm trying to reverse helicopter controls for roll and pitch when in the engineer seat. I am using an autopilot filter to multiply the control property by -1.

It appears to work well for pitch but not so good for roll, roll seems to be less responsive to a point it is not controllable.
Is there a better way to do this or am I possibly missing something?

This is YASim.

The control inputs to the CYCLICAIL and CYCLICELE are...

Code: Select all
<control-input control="CYCLICAIL"  axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim-actual" split="true"/>
<control-input control="CYCLICAIL"  axis="/controls/flight/fcs/roll-actual" src0="-1.0" src1="1.0" dst0="-1.0" dst1="1.0"/>
<control-input control="CYCLICELE"  axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim-actual" split="true"/>
<control-input control="CYCLICELE"  axis="/controls/flight/fcs/pitch-actual" src0="-1.0" src1="1.0" dst0="-1.0" dst1=" 1.0"/>

The filters are...
Code: Select all




At first, I tried it without reversing the trim properties and thought maybe that was the issue, but that didn't seem to help.

Also I reasoned the yaw property didn't require reversing?
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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:54 am

I've been working on a few different areas for the AirCrane.
Cleaning up the cargo hauling portion. There were several bugs that crept into the code over the last year or so. It now back to a solid working order. The stacking is working again, cable winch is correct again, no more nasal error when changing airports. It's still to be considered a proof of concept version, but none the less is functional and quite fun to play with.
I've added a joystick helper for autostart and a winch. I can post a js config file for anyone that may want to use it. Among other things, it gives you the ability to capture or detach cargo using a couple buttons on the T.16000, adds autostart and FOV to the TWCS control. Using the joystick and config really enhances the cargo stacking ability as well as simply controlling and flying the AirCrane.
I also pushed a compositor branch to the dev repository.
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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:01 am

I pushed a 24000lb HVAC unit to the cargo hauling capability, cargo 37. It's pushing the limits of the AirCrane hauling capacity. A fun mission is to start at 6N5 in Manhattan, place the HVAC near the heli pad and try to haul it to the top of one of the largest, flat roofed skyscrapers you can see and place it there. The difficult part is doing it gracefully. 24000lbs is a lot of weight. It takes the AirCrane to the edge of its capability. I was using "real weather" the couple times I tried it .I was successful both times, but I am sure I would have been fired if the boss saw how I handled the load.

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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:25 am

A new spin on cargo hauling. It took a bit to figure out how to range a self propelled or moving cargo in the cargo code. I am trying to figure out how to seamlessly add any property tree accessible models to the cargo towing capabilities. I think I figured out one fairly graceful way. But it required working around some interesting challenges.

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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Mon Jan 20, 2020 5:31 am

The cargo selection dialog got a facelift so you can scroll and see which model your selecting in advance and also you can now select and position any AI scenario models introduced into the scene using the normal scenario mechanism.
The AirCrane can connect to and haul any of these models as well. It's not perfected yet, I don't have the rope dynamics running outside of the cargo model animation routines yet.
For the AI scenario models to be added to the cargo dialog you need to use the command line switch to introduce their xml code prior to launch. Eventually I plan to add a switch to the cargo gui to refill its model list with any AI scenarios subsequently started by AI scenario gui selection post startup.

I also allow cargo to be dropped when not on the ground so you can move boats a round and set them back down on the water. I still have to create some cargo falling animation algorithms to make it look right. But the AirCrane in RL does have the "emergency" release, so it is an option that needs to be realistically created. I could use what I did in the past and turn the cargo into a submodel and use "ballistics" but that introduces a whole new layer I want to avoid.

I haven't pushed any of this yet. The first repository branch I plan to push this to will be the compositor branch.

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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Wed Jan 22, 2020 5:52 pm


If you pull any new development for any branch of the AirCrane, for now, I suggest you clear the existing aircraft-data cache before running it in the sim for the first time.
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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Mon Feb 03, 2020 7:59 pm


I would recommend using this version of the AirCrane for any upgrading to the fgaddon version, it has the cargo towing features completely removed but retains all the upgrades and is also compositor compatible (not perfect, but usable with compositor).
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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby legoboyvdlp » Wed Feb 05, 2020 4:42 pm

Seems to be a change to the electrical .nas that I cannot reverse or reset - it was like this when I cloned it?

Code: Select all
C:\Users\redpa\Documents\FlightGear\Custom Aircraft\AirCrane>git status
On branch comp-addon
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/comp-addon'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   AirCrane/Nasal/Electrical.nas

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

I also couldn't load the addon - at least, a direct path didn't work (no menubar items showed up), when loaded with --addon.

Also, if you switch from winch to firefighting in flight, and have ever pressed "j", the system thinks the hose has already been deployed?
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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Wed Feb 05, 2020 5:58 pm

Dang it, I think I made a mistake pushing some updates, looks like I accidentally crossed some branches. It's going to take some time to sort it out.

As far as loading the addon, I use the method on the "addon" page to load it. However I copied what it says it adds to the command line which is this
and tried it and it works as well.

Also, if you switch from winch to firefighting in flight, and have ever pressed "j", the system thinks the hose has already been deployed?

I'll check it out later, after I get this GIT stuff straightened out. Thanks

I'll ping here once I get it straightened out.
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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby legoboyvdlp » Wed Feb 05, 2020 6:42 pm

The problem seems to be that on your git its Electrical.nas; locally its electrical.nas. (it cloned that way).
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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Wed Feb 05, 2020 6:56 pm


Sorry for the confusion. I have been working out of the wrong branch for awhile. Fortunately that is why I make the branches i make, because I know I am going to mess it up eventually, ha.

I have too many branches due to the inability to take one straight path forward, which ends now. So there will be only two branches,

1) master
(default AirCrane with built in cargo towing capability, non-compositor capable) May end up being an ending point with no further additions.

(Compositor compatible AirCrane without built in cargo towing, requires addon). More than likely will be the active development branch into the future.

So pull a new version, compaddon branch, and use cargo towing addon and you should be good.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention. It could have been worse the longer I didn't realize I was working out of the wrong branch. One of these old dog new tricks issues, ha. GIT is not my friend, it's a complication waiting to bite me in the butt, no matter how useful it is, it requires young grey matter.

If you want to add any of this work to the fgaddon version use compaddon branch

I'm really anxious about a permanent separation of the rope and towing logic from the AirCrane via a Rope and Towing addon, comments anyone!
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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby legoboyvdlp » Wed Feb 05, 2020 7:12 pm

Ok - thank you!

Yes, its working now :)

I just tried doing the cargo towing, and it worked.

However, there seems to be something wrong in the particles - because even after retracting the scoop, I still seem to get some (square) particles being generated. i checked all the particle effects and the properties all seem to be disabled...? Could this be a FlightGear problem?

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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Wed Feb 05, 2020 7:46 pm

I totally screwed something up. The version you have is not the correct work. It should not have a cargo menu in the aircrane's aircraft menu, but only in the addon menu. Looking at the code shows it is not the stand alone version I have been working with this entire time, as early as yesterday). So I don't know what happened. I need to take some more time to figure this out.
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Re: Erickson S-64 Aircrane anyone?

Postby wlbragg » Wed Feb 05, 2020 8:59 pm

@legoboyvdlp to make this as simple for others as I can after screwing it up so badly, just pull and merge from the current branch you have. compaddon. This should put you to a state that has all upgrades and does not have any cargo towing logic, menus or features, without the addon.

I can now look at the other issues you reported.
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