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Closed loop scheme Flight Gear

Connecting two computers, using generic protocol, connecting with Matlab?

Closed loop scheme Flight Gear

Postby dimakuznetsofff_fg » Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:52 pm

Good evening to everyone!
I would like to ask the forum audience for advice on the following issue:
I am developing a scheme for simulating the operation of the navigation system of an aircraft.
The idea is as follows: using the --generic protocol, I get coordinates (lon, lat and alt) and orientation angles of the aircraft from Flight Gear. Based on this data, I calculate the readings of sensors used in my navigation system in Matlab, then I apply the specified sensor error model and submit measurements to the input of my own navigation system. At the end of the calculation, I compare the original coordinates and angles with the obtained ones.

Now I would like to pass the resulting solution to FlightGear, so that all controls calculate control actions based on the decision of my navigation system ( not the flight gear internal one).

Can someone tell me how to do this correctly?

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