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Run FlighGear with python  Topic is solved

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Run FlighGear with python  

Postby sadegh1377 » Sat Feb 13, 2021 12:47 pm

I tried to run Flight Gear with python and almost I did it but my problem is that I can not set time and series of parameters
My code in python is this
Code (): Select all
from telnetlib import Telnet
import sys
import socket
import re
import time

__all__ = ["FlightGear"]

CRLF = '\r\n'

class FGTelnet(Telnet):
def __init__(self,host,port):
self.prompt = [re.compile('/[^>]*> '.encode('utf-8'))]
self.timeout = 5

def help(self):

def ls(self,dir=None):
Returns a list of properties.
if dir is None:
self._putcmd('ls %s' % dir )
return self._getresp()

def dump(self):
"""Dump current state as XML."""
return self._getresp()

def cd(self, dir):
"""Change directory."""
self._putcmd('cd ' + dir)

def pwd(self):
"""Display current path."""
return self._getresp()

def get(self,var):
"""Retrieve the value of a parameter."""
self._putcmd('get %s' % var )
return self._getresp()

def set(self,var,value):
"""Set variable to a new value"""
self._putcmd('set %s %s' % (var,value))
self._getresp() # Discard response

def quit(self):
"""Terminate connection"""

# Internal: send one command to FlightGear
def _putcmd(self,cmd):
cmd = cmd + CRLF
Telnet.write(self, cmd.encode('utf-8'))

# Internal: get a response from FlightGear
def _getresp(self):
(_i,_match,resp) = Telnet.expect(self, self.prompt, self.timeout)
# Remove the terminating prompt.
# Everything preceding it is the response.
return resp.decode('utf-8').split('\n')[:-1]

class FlightGear:
"""FlightGear interface class.

An instance of this class represents a connection to a FlightGear telnet

Properties are accessed using a dictionary style interface:
For example:

# Connect to flightgear telnet server.
fg = FlightGear('myhost', 5500)
# parking brake on
fg['/controls/gear/brake-parking'] = 1
# Get current heading
heading = fg['/orientation/heading-deg']

Other non-property related methods

def __init__( self, host = 'localhost', port = 5502 ):
self.telnet = FGTelnet(host,port)
except socket.error as msg:
self.telnet = None
raise msg

def __del__(self):
# Ensure telnet connection is closed cleanly.

def __getitem__(self,key):
"""Get a FlightGear property value.
Where possible the value is converted to the equivalent Python type.
s = self.telnet.get(key)[0]
match = re.compile( r'[^=]*=\s*\'([^\']*)\'\s*([^\r]*)\r').match( s )
if not match:
return None
value,type = match.groups()
#value =
#type =
if value == '':
return None

if type == '(double)':
return float(value)
elif type == '(int)':
return int(value)
elif type == '(bool)':
if value == 'true':
return 1
return 0
return value

def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Set a FlightGear property value."""
self.telnet.set( key, value )

def quit(self):
"""Close the telnet connection to FlightGear."""
if self.telnet:
self.telnet = None

def view_next(self):
"""Move to next view."""
self.telnet.set( "/command/view/next", "true")

def view_prev(self):
"""Move to next view."""
self.telnet.set( "/command/view/prev", "true")

And when I run this code orientation will change
Code (): Select all
flightgear_server = 'localhost'
flightgear_server_port = 5502
fg = FlightGear(flightgear_server, flightgear_server_port)
fg['/orientation/heading-deg'] = 1

but my Problem is I want to set series of property with respect to time
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2021 12:36 pm

Re: Run FlighGear with python

Postby cgdae » Sat Feb 13, 2021 8:27 pm

In the flightgear repository, there's a python module scripts/python/ that handles all the telnet details for you, giving a useful higher level interface onto properties etc.

I used it to write a test script for record/replay recently, and it seems to work pretty well; i pushed it to next a few hours ago - see: flightgear/scripts/python/

Hope that helps,

- Jules
Posts: 117
Joined: Tue May 31, 2016 8:35 pm

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